Missional Families
We believe the most irreducible and effective structure for making disciples as the church is a gospel community on mission. We call these Missional Families. These are a committed group of people learning to follow Jesus together. Missional families are small enough for close connections, but big enough to mobilize on mission.
Matthew 28:19 tells us that our mission is to make disciples. It’s in these missional families that disciples are made, pastoral care happens, leaders are developed, followers of Jesus deepen in holiness, and relationship is experienced.
We practice missional families by doing four things.
Enjoying Life Together
These missional families should be filled with joy, laughter and care as we walk through life together. This is a place for adults and children to come together and enjoy relationship together. We want to reflect the good that is in the family of God and as we enjoy God’s good gifts together, we set the foundation for deeper community.
Eating Food Together
We believe that food is a good gift from God and brings people together. As much as possible, we encourage missional families to gather around tables with food. Food should be simple in order to facilitate relationships and an extended family culture.
Encouraging Gospel Living
Missional families meet twice a month, which gives us opportunities to wrestle with the truths from teaching, love one another, serve our neighbourhoods, and participate in the mission of God. We take our calling for the good of our community seriously. We want to pray for each other and ask God to open doors to share the gospel with words and actions in our places of work, play, and community.
Encouraging Personal Mission
Missional families intentionally look for ways to serve and bring renewal to communities. Gospel-centred renewal begins in the heart. This changed heart leads us to serve others and work for the good of our communities.
Missional Family Leaders
Darren & Melanie Martin
Missional Family Leaders
Phil & Abbi van Veen
Missional Family Leaders
Sam & Jorja Maier
Missional Family Leaders
Jon & Rebecca Cannon
Missional Family Leaders
Matt and Nicole Bauman
Alpha Missional Family Leaders
Jenni Wagler &
Bert and Heidi Menkveld
Missional Family Leaders
Preston and Katrina Stringer
Missional Family Leaders
Brett & Jocelyn Shantz and Charlie & Rachel Bauman
Youth Missional Family Leaders
Adam and Emily Brown
Missional Family Leaders
Zack and Leah Barriage
Youth Missional Family Leaders
Micah and Cassidy Broughm

Interested in getting connected with a Missional Family?
Other Ways We Gather
Sunday Gathering
A weekly time where we come together to look up and focus on God.
Intentional Communities
Groupings of two to four people where together we look in.

Welcome to Citizens
Our vision is to bring gospel centred mission to Elmira.