He Has Risen - Mark

  1. Were the women expecting to find an empty tomb? How can you tell? Do you think that was evidence of a lack of faith or a lack of understanding?

  2. What thoughts do you think went through the minds of the women as they were told of Jesus’ resurrection? Can you think of some verses that they may have fully understood for the first time?

  3. How is Jesus’ resurrection different from what happened to the widow’s son (1 Kings 17:17-24) and Lazarus (John 11:38-44)?

  4. What does Jesus’ resurrection mean for us? Consider Romans 1:4, 1 Thessalonians 4:14, and Hebrews 7:25. Can you think of any other verses that speak about how Jesus’ resurrection changes our lives now?

  5. The angel told the women that they would be able to see Jesus in Galilee (verse 7). In what ways can we see evidence of Jesus’ presence in our world? In what situations or areas do you eagerly anticipate seeing Him?


Love - Advent


The Dying Saviour - Mark