Walking With God - Genesis

  1. Can you remember the first time you heard or read the account of Noah? What details stood out to you at that time?

  2. What, if anything different, struck you as significant when reading about Noah this time?

  3. Using the information found in Genesis 6:9 and Hebrews 11:7, give a description of Noah and his character.

  4. What does “reverent fear” of the Lord look like in everyday life? Could that phrase be used to describe your own disposition as a believer?

  5. The flood is only one account in scripture that refers to a 40-day or 40-year period related to testing, purification, and moving on to something new. (Exodus 24:18, Numbers 13:25, Numbers 14:33, 1 kings 19:8, and Mark 1:13). What do you think Noah learned about God as a result of the flood?

  6. Have you ever been through a period of testing? What was it like? What is one thing you learned about God, yourself, and others as a result?


Covered - Genesis


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