Let Them Pray - James

  1. Share a time when God answered one of your prayers.

  2. “The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working” yet “Elijah was a man with a nature like ours” who prayed fervently and saw his prayers answered (verse 16-18).  What do these truths tell us about the access we have to powerful and effective prayer? Will remembering these truths change the way you pray?  

  3. Have you ever helped a fellow believer who had wandered from the truth? Was there ever a time when someone had to help bring you back to the truth?  Explain what help was given or received and the positive effects it had on each other’s lives and relationships.

  4. What keeps us from helping a fellow believer who has wandered from the truth?  Use scripture to discern whether any of your answers are real reasons or merely excuses.




Patience In Suffering - James