The Heartbeat of Faith - James

  1. If faith without works is dead, what are the marks of living and saving faith?  Consider what we’ve read previously in James, in Mark 7:21-27, and in other scriptures you’re familiar with.

  2. While prayer is a good and necessary part of the Christian life, do you ever use prayer, or even the false promise of telling someone you’ll pray for them, as a way to avoid living out your faith?  What are other ways we use religious words in place of living faith?  Take some time to ask the Holy Spirit to make you aware of these areas and give you the faith to do more than offer religious platitudes.

  3. Consider the past weeks of teaching from the book of James.

    • What truth resonated with you the most?

    • How can you incorporate that into your prayer life?

    • How can you apply that truth to your everyday life?


The Power of Your Words - James


Judgement & Mercy - James