The Power Of Love - 1 John
Consider what we’ve read in the book of 1 John up to this point. What qualities have been given as proofs that someone is a genuine believer?
What are the implications involved in the directive to love one another? How does it speak to how one should steward their time, money, relationships, energy, and thoughts?
Considering the above areas, choose one where you need to make a change to better steward how you can use that resource to love others. What small change can you make and implement in the week ahead?
How did Cain end up in evil rather than righteousness? Consider also Genesis 4:5-10 and Hebrews 11:4.
Why is our love for fellow Christians so basic to our assurance of eternal life?
In verses 19-24, John speaks of our hearts being assured, having confidence, and knowing that Christ abides in us. In what ways have you seen this demonstrated in your life? Share a situation from this past week when you were aware and assured of God’s presence in your life.