Praying For More - Ephesians
What is it about the believers in Ephesus that causes Paul to be thankful?
What does it look like practically to live a life of faith in Jesus and to love all the saints?
Do you make it a regular habit to thank God for other believers? Why or why not?
What is “the hope to which he has called you”? (verse 18) What future events do other scriptures tell us are included in our calling?
“What are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints”? (verse 18)
How does it impact your life when you are conscious of “the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe”? (verse 19)
Consider using verse 17 during your regular prayers this month as you pray for yourself and others in your life. Make the time to both pray it and have the time to respond to the Spirit’s leading.