Trials in the Night - Mark
In verse 54, we read that Peter followed Jesus at a distance, sitting with the same guards who would later hit Jesus (verse 65). How do fear, unbelief, and a lack of faith influence where we choose to “sit” in our everyday lives?
When accused, Jesus “remained silent and made no answer” (verse 61). While this fulfilled the prophecy given in Isaiah 53:7, do you think it should also serve as an example for our own lives? What other scriptures would support or contradict this?
In verse 62, we see that Jesus had an eternal perspective and that He knew who the ultimate Judge would be in the end. He also knew what His eternal position was compared to the earthly conditions He was facing. How does remembering (or forgetting) your position in Christ affect how you live and respond to earthly situations?
What ways can we, as believers, respond to the suffering and humiliation that Jesus endured?
Both Judas and Peter struggled with sin. Judas ended up handing Jesus over to be arrested, and Peter ended up denying Jesus. However, each of their lives ended differently. Why?