The Suffering Saviour - Mark

  1. In what ways was Jesus humiliated (verses 16-20)?

  2. Simon was forced to carry Jesus’ cross (verse 21). How do you think this affected Simon?

  3. Have you ever been put in a situation where you had to help and walk alongside someone who was in a humiliated and weakened condition (or maybe someone helped you)? How did that feel for you and for them?

  4. Jesus suffered in many ways. Not only did he suffer the physical pain of crucifixion, but he was also mocked and insulted. Do you find it easier to endure physical or emotional pain? What biblical truths and practical actions have helped you endure the suffering you’ve faced in your life?

  5. While Jesus willingly suffered on our behalf, the scriptures never state that He enjoyed the actual suffering. What perspective should we have on suffering? Read Colossians 1:24 and 1 Peter 4:13. Do you know any other scriptures that might offer more insight into how we should perceive suffering?


The Dying Saviour - Mark


In Our Suffering - Mark