One in Place of Two - Ephesians

  1. How were the Jews and Gentiles reconciled? What impact does that have on our lives?

  2. What are some instances in which you’ve recognized and experienced God’s presence in this world and how he has brought you near to himself?

  3. What significance do the truths stated in verses 14-16 have on what forms our identity?

  4. Verse 18 gives a brief reminder of the incredible access we have to the Father. What does this “access” include?

  5. What is the common foundation between “fellow citizens and saints”?

  6. Share about a time (past or present) when you felt inadequate or far from God. What do these verses tell you about the reality of those situations and where God is?


The Mystery Unravelled - Ephesians


From Death To Life - Ephesians