This Profound Mystery - Ephesians

  1. Here and in other scriptures, God uses the image of marriage to help us understand Christ’s relationship to the Church. What truths about Christ and the Church are demonstrated in the marriage relationship?

  2. What is involved in maintaining unity in a marriage relationship (verse 31)? What other relationships, activities, or attitudes can keep two from truly living as one?

  3. Can you find other scriptures to help explain how the mystery of two becoming one also relates to the relationship between Christ and the Church (verses 31-32)?

  4. This passage gives direction to both husbands and wives, and in the process, it also gives us direction for our relationship with Christ. Did anything in particular stand out to you as an area you need to address in either of those relationships? Take some time this week to pray and ask God to show you how you can contribute to unity in either of these relationships.


Bring Them Up - Ephesians


Be Who You Are - Ephesians