Walk The Talk - Ephesians
Why did Paul take three chapters before urging us to walk worthy?
Considering the above question, what should be our motivation in walking worthy?
What does it look like to walk in a manner worthy of our calling (verses 2-3)? Give some practical examples from daily life.
The idea of needing “to maintain the unity” (verse 4) indicates that there is a certain amount of effort and work involved in being a part of the body of Christ. What practices are important for us to implement in order to maintain unity with our brothers and sisters in Christ?
Which of the gifts or roles mentioned in verses 7 through 11 do you believe God has given you or is leading you in? How do you know?
Read verses 13 through 16. What goals and purposes does God want to see accomplished through the gifts and spiritual leadership roles that he has given to believers?
Do you ever wonder what God’s will is for your life? How can these verses from Ephesians 4 give clarity to your daily life?